We are the home of the Cougars and are loved, valued, and capable of amazing things! We are dedicated to the highest levels of teaching and learning. Capshaw is honored as a 2022-2023 Reward School and has achieved reward school status eight times. We provide all students with STEAM classes, an art teacher who uses the “Meet the Masters” curriculum, and music classes with extension classes for violin and chorus. The Capshaw Chorus has performed at Carnegie Hall, Disney World, for the US Attorney General in Washington, D.C., Chicago, and ST. John the Devine Cathedral in New York. Students also participate in recycling/sustainability and producing a school garden that is located beside our outdoor classroom. To round out our students’ education, they are encouraged to participate in service-learning projects throughout the year.
From TDE Public Schools Website:
- Reward School: Schools that earn an overall rating of 3.1 or higher across multiple federal accountability performance indicators and student groups, and are not identified as CSI, TSI, or ATSI schools are recognized as Reward schools. Schools receiving this designation typically demonstrate high levels of performance and/or growth across all indicators.